Mental Health And Recruitment: Some Factors To Consider

The concerns about mental health in the workplace have been gaining traction in recent years. Numerous campaigns and movements have started to bring the discussion of mental health out of the shadows and into the open.

It is a much-needed conversation, as 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime. While there are many industries where this conversation needs to take place, recruitment stands out. Mitsuoka and Company will explore some factors regarding mental health in recruitment.

1. Disclosure

The first is disclosure. Disclosure can be difficult for anyone, especially those with mental health conditions. They may worry that disclosing their condition will result in discrimination or exclusion from the recruitment process.

It’s essential to create an environment where disclosure is safe and welcomed. It means being open about your mental health if you feel comfortable doing so and making a non-judgmental space for candidates to share their experiences.

2. Stigma

The first factor regarding mental health in recruitment is the stigma surrounding mental health. In many cases, mental health is still seen as a taboo subject. It can make it difficult for people to talk about their experiences and seek help.

The recruitment industry is no exception. There is a perception that admitting a mental health issue will make you less employable. It is not only untrue, but it’s also harmful. Mental health should not be used as a criterion for employment.

3. Self-Perception About Mental Health

Another factor about mental health in recruitment is the way we talk about mental health. The language we use can significantly impact how someone perceives their mental health.

For example, using phrases like “I’m so OCD” or “I’m bipolar” can be damaging. These phrases are often used without understanding the true meaning of the diagnosis. It can lead to people self-diagnosing and not seeking professional help.

4. Accommodation

The next factor related to mental health in recruitment is accommodation. Accommodating someone with a mental health condition doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It can be as simple as ensuring quiet spaces are available during recruitment or providing flexible work hours if the role allows it.

5. Support

Finally, don’t forget about support. Once someone with a mental health condition has been recruited, it’s essential to provide ongoing support. It could involve regular check-ins, access to employee assistance programs, or simply having an understanding and supportive manager.

Creating a mentally healthy workplace environment doesn’t have to be complicated. By considering these factors, you can make a big difference to the mental health of your employees.

Ending Note

As we’ve seen, the focus on mental health in the workplace is gaining traction. And while there are many industries where this conversation needs to take place, recruitment stands out. Recruiters have a unique opportunity to shape how employees think about and approach their work lives.

At Mitsuoka and Company, serving Austin, TX, we believe it’s essential for recruiters to be thoughtful about the mental health of potential employees. We understand that not everyone goes through the same journey, so we must support mental health in recruitment.

If you’re looking for assistance with hiring, our team can help.


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